Monday, October 18, 2010

NYC’s Top Venture Capital Firms for Early-Stage Internet & Mobile Startups – Based on 2010 Deal Activity

Which venture capital firms are writing checks to early-stage internet and mobile companies in NYC? Below is a handy list for all of you NYC startup entrepreneurs. Please note that the rankings are not of the top NYC-based venture firms. If you are an early-stage internet company in NYC, you probably do not care where the investor has their office but instead, you want to know who is providing funding to startups based in New York city irrespective of where they are based. As you’ll see in the list of firms, 1/3 of the top firms do not have an office in NYC (SV Angel, Spark Capital, Lowercase Capital and True Ventures.) SEE LIST ON WEB SITE!

And so without further ado, here is the list of the most active early-stage venture capital firms investing in NYC companies through Q3 2010 based on announced deals. Early-stage for the purposes of this analysis are Seed VC and Series A rounds. If you are thinking of pitching these investors, we always recommend doing your own investor reverse due diligence.

If you are seeking funding, try the Funding Recommendation Engine(FRE). It’s free and takes 5 minutes so you have nothing to lose and a list of potential investors to gain. Learn more about the FRE here.

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